NUS IO+ Bulletin

2024 NUS IO Day

Date: August 30, 2024

The National University of Singapore will hold its inaugural Industrial Organisation Day on 30th August, 2024. This conference is jointly hosted by the Department of Economics (CHS) and the Departments of Real Estate and Strategy and Policy (BIZ).

Our guests of honour are Ginger Jin (Maryland) and Charles Hodgson (Yale). Invited speakers include Zhonglin Li (NUS DRE), Binglin Wang (NUS DRE), Yuting Zhu (NUS Marketing), Kwok-Hao Lee (NUS S&P, co-chair), and Tiffany Tsai (NUS Econ, co-chair).

Guests of Honour

Ginger Jin

Ginger Zhe Jin is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park. Most of her research focuses on information asymmetry among economic agents and how to provide information to overcome the information problem. The applications she has studied include retail food safety, health insurance, prescription drugs, e-commerce, regulatory inspection, scientific innovation, air quality, blood donation, vaccination, intrafamilial interaction, data regulation, and consumer protection.

She is currently a managing editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization, advisory council member of the Journal of Industrial Economics, and board member of the Industrial Organization Society. Since 2012, she has been a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Charles Hodgson

Charles Hodgson is Assistant Professor of Economics at Yale University and a Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER. He was previously a Postdoctoral Associate at the Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale. Hodgson’s research interests are in industrial organization and applied microeconomics. His current research focuses on search, learning, and matching problems faced by economic agents in settings including natural resource exploration, consumer search, and organ allocation.

NUS IO+ Seminars

The National University of Singapore (NUS) regularly hosts seminar speakers in all fields of Economics, including but not limited to Empirical Industrial Organization (and IO-plus). See

Below is a partial list of IO(-plus) speakers at NUS since Academic Year 2023/2024. Future dates indicate scheduled seminars.